Can be used in
basicAuthentication, cachingUserDataProvider, login, oauth2authserver, unifyingUserDataProvider and xenAuthentication
<unifyingUserDataProvider> [<staticUserDataProvider ... />*] [<ldapUserDataProvider ... />*] </unifyingUserDataProvider>
<unifyingUserDataProvider> <staticUserDataProvider> <user username="thomas" password="secret" sms="+1-234-567-8900" /> </staticUserDataProvider> <ldapUserDataProvider url="ldap://" base="dc=predic8,dc=de" binddn="cn=Manager,dc=predic8,dc=de" bindpw="secret" searchPattern="(cn=%LOGIN%)" searchScope="subtree" <map> <attribute from="telephoneNumber" to="sms" /> </map> </ldapUserDataProvider> </unifyingUserDataProvider>
The unifyingUserDataProvider can be used to merge two or more other user data providers into one.
The unifyingUserDataProvider will forward a login attempt (username and password) to each inner user data provider in the order they are specified. After one of the inner user data providers returned a successful login (and returned the user's attributes), the procedure terminates. If no inner user data provider could verify the user, the login attempt fails.
Child Elements
Position | Cardinality | Description | Element |
1 | 1..* | cachingUserDataProvider, customStatementJdbcUserDataProvider, jdbcUserDataProvider, ldapUserDataProvider, staticUserDataProvider or unifyingUserDataProvider |