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OAuth2 Provider & Client

Membrane is an OAuth2 implementation that can:

Membrane is modular and provides a variety of deployment scenarios:

Scenario 1: Membrane as OAuth2 Client

OAuth2 flow with Membrane as the OAuth2 client and an external authorization server that conforms to the OAuth2 / OpenID Connect standards ( e.g. Google or Github, but any other is possible ).

OAuth2 with external authorization server

Figure1: OAuth2 flow with an external authorization server

See OAuth 2.0 using Membrane with Google for further details.

Scenario 2: Membrane as OAuth2 Authorization Server

OAuth2 flow with Membrane as the OAuth2 authorization server and an external client that conforms to the OAuth2 / OpenID Connect standards.

OAuth2 with external client

Figure2: OAuth2 flow with an external client

See OAuth 2.0 using Membrane for further details.

Scenario 3: Membrane as both OAuth2 authorization server and client

OAuth2 flow with Membrane as both the OAuth2 authorization server and client doing the full OAuth2 authorization process.

OAuth2 fully managed

Figure3: OAuth2 flow fully managed through Membrane

See OAuth 2.0 using Membrane for further details.

Membrane supports the following standards: