The "if" interceptor supports conditional execution of a group of executors.
Note that this is a draft implementation only: Design decissions are still pending.
- 'evaluate condition only once': Should the condition be reevaluated once response handling has begun?
- 'evaluate condition always during request handling already' (even when 'if' is nested in 'response')
- What happens to ABORT handling of interceptor A in
<request><if test="..."><A /></if></response>
Can be used in
spring:beans, if, internalProxy, proxy, registration, request, response, serviceProxy, soapProxy, stompProxy, swaggerProxy, transport and wsStompReassembler
Name |
Required |
Default |
Description |
Example |
language |
false |
- |
the language of the 'test' condition |
groovy |
test |
true |
- |
the condition to be tested |
exc.request.header.userAgentSupportsSNI |
Child Elements
Position |
Cardinality |
Description |
Element |
1 |
0..* |
accessControl, accountRegistration, adminConsole, analyser, apiKeyChecker, apiManagement, authHead2Body, balancer, basicAuthentication, cache, clamav, clusterNotification, counter, dispatching, exchangeStore, formValidation, gatekeeper, groovy, groovyTemplate, headerFilter, http2xml, httpClient, if, index, interceptor, javascript, json2Xml, jsonPointerExtractor, jwtAuth, kubernetesValidation, limit, log, login, methodOverride, ntlm, oauth2Resource, oauth2Resource2, oauth2authserver, prometheus, rateLimiter, regExReplacer, request, response, rest2Soap, reverseProxying, rewriter, routerIpResolver, ruleMatching, shutdown, soap2Rest, soapOperationExtractor, soapStackTraceFilter, spdy, statisticsCSV, statisticsJDBC, statisticsProvider, stompClient, swaggerApiKeyRequirer, swaggerRewriter, switch, tcp, template, testService, throttle, tokenValidator, transform, urlNormalizer, userFeature, validator, wadlRewriter, webServer, webServiceExplorer, webSocket, wsdlPublisher, wsdlRewriter, xenAuthentication, xml2Json, xmlContentFilter, xmlProtection, xpathExtractor or custom elements |