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The wsdlPublisher can be used to serve WSDL files (and attached XML Schema Documents), if your backend service does not already do so.

Can be used in

spring:beans, if, internalProxy, proxy, registration, request, response, serviceProxy, soapProxy, stompProxy, swaggerProxy, transport and wsStompReassembler


Listing 1: wsdlPublisher Syntax


The following example shows how to publish a WSDL for a SOAP service.

				<serviceProxy port="8080">
					<path isRegExp="true">/material/.*</path>
					<wsdlPublisher wsdl="/WEB-INF/wsdl/ArticleService.wsdl" />
					<validator wsdl="/WEB-INF/wsdl/ArticleService.wsdl" />
					<target host="www.predic8.com" port="8080" />

In this setup, we expect the WSDL to be in /WEB-INF/wsdl/ArticleService.wsdl and attached XML Schema documents to be referenced by relative file names from the WSDL. A query to /material/ArticleService?wsdl will be answered using the WSDL. References to XML Schema documents will be rewritten to /material/ArticleService?xsd=n, which will be answered using the corresponding documents.

Listing 2: wsdlPublisher Example


Name Required Default Description Example
wsdl false - The WSDL (URL or file). /WEB-INF/wsdl/ArticleService.wsdl

As a child of soapProxy, if the wsdl attribute is not present, the soapProxy-parent's wsdl attribute is used.