The whateverMobileSMSTokenProvider randomly generates a 6-digit token after the user entered her correct password.
The token is then sent to the user via text message. The user's attribute sms is used as the recipient phone number. If this attribute has not been provided by the user data provider, the login attempt fails.
The text message is sent via WhateverMobile REST API. To use this API, a registered user account with sufficient balance is necessary. Membrane uses the specified user name and password to identify itself when connecting to the WhateverMobile SMS Gateway.
Can be used in
Name | Required | Default | Description | Example |
backupServiceAvailable | false | - | Specify whether the alternative gateway is available for the configured account | |
gatewayPassword | true | - | Your whatevermobile.com gateway password. | |
gatewayUserName | true | - | Your whatevermobile.com gateway user name. | |
prefixText | false | "Token: " | A string that will be prepended to the token when creating the text message. | "Token: " |
senderName | false | Membrane | The sender name of the text messages. This string is displayed as the sender on the recipient's phone. | Your Organization Name |
simulate | false | - | Don't send any text messages, only write tokens to the log. |