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Docker Container Deployment

Membrane can be deployed and run as a Docker Container.

Docker automates the depolyment of applications in so called containers. You create a Docker Image once with all the information and software you application needs and you can deploy as many containers as you want. It is open-source and you can find plenty of predefined Docker Images on hub.docker.com.

1. Set up the Docker-Engine

Docker is available in some repositories. Just have a look at Install Docker Engine and install your Docker Engine.

2. Create a Membrane Docker Image

Here you can see the Membrane Dockerfile or just have a look at service-proxy/distribution/examples/docker/Dockerfile on Github.

          FROM anapsix/alpine-java

          RUN apk update && apk add curl wget openssl

          RUN curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/membrane/service-proxy/releases | grep browser_download_url | head -n 1 | cut -d '"' -f 4 | xargs wget -P /opt
          RUN cd /opt && \
              ls -la && \
              unzip *.zip && \
              rm *.zip && \
              ln -s membrane-service-proxy-* membrane

          COPY proxies.xml /opt/membrane/conf/

          EXPOSE 8000-9900

          ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/membrane/service-proxy.sh"]
Listing : Membrane Dockerfile