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Can be used in

spring:beans, bean and router


Name Required Default Description Example
blockRequest false false legacy attribute for usage by Membrane Monitor
blockResponse false false legacy attribute for usage by Membrane Monitor
name false By default, a name will be automatically generated from the target host, port, etc. The name as shown in the Admin Console.

Child Elements

Position Cardinality Description Element
1 0..1 Configures the usage of inbound SSL (HTTPS). ssl or custom elements
2 0..* accessControl, accountRegistration, acmeHttpChallenge, adminConsole, analyser, apiKeyChecker, apiManagement, authHead2Body, balancer, basicAuthentication, beautifier, cache, clamav, clusterNotification, counter, dispatching, exchangeStore, formValidation, gatekeeper, graphQLProtection, groovy, groovyTemplate, headerFilter, http2xml, httpClient, if, index, interceptor, javascript, json2Xml, jsonPointerExtractor, jsonProtection, jwtAuth, kubernetesValidation, limit, log, logContext, login, methodOverride, ntlm, oauth2PermissionChecker, oauth2Resource, oauth2Resource2, oauth2authserver, prometheus, rateLimiter, regExReplacer, request, response, rest2Soap, return, reverseProxying, rewriter, routerIpResolver, ruleMatching, setHeader, shutdown, soap2Rest, soapOperationExtractor, soapStackTraceFilter, spdy, statisticsCSV, statisticsJDBC, statisticsProvider, stompClient, swaggerApiKeyRequirer, swaggerRewriter, switch, tcp, template, testService, throttle, tokenValidator, transform, urlNormalizer, userFeature, validator, wadlRewriter, webServer, webServiceExplorer, webSocket, wsdlPublisher, wsdlRewriter, xenAuthentication, xml2Json, xmlContentFilter, xmlProtection, xpathExtractor or custom elements
3 0..1 target