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Tutorial: Deployment within Apache ServiceMix 4

This tutorial takes about 10 minutes. It demonstrates how a Membrane service proxy configuration file (proxies.xml) can be directly deployed into Apache ServiceMix 4 running Karaf (or any OSGi container, for that matter).

ServiceMix 4 is a state of the art Enterprise Service Bus that provides OSGi bundles for asynchronous messaging, SOAP and EAI patterns. Membrane ESB can add to ServiceMix powerful, yet simple to use functionality for HTTP-, REST- and SOAP-based Web Services.

Membrane can also provide HTTP routing and integration at high speeds for a ServiceMix installation.

1. Get Apache ServiceMix running

Download and install JDK 6 (Version 7 does not work).

Download Apache ServiceMix 4.4 or newer and unpack it.

Make sure your JAVA_HOME environment variable is set and points to the JDK 6: For example, edit bin\servicemix.bat and add

set "JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29"
at the very top. Save it and start bin\servicemix.bat. (For more information about setting up ServiceMix, read the ServiceMix documentation.)

You should now see the Karaf shell:

karaf@root> _

If you run Windows, increase the width of the console window to at least 140. (Karaf has problems with input commands wider than the console window. You can resize the window by right-clicking the window title and choosing Properties and then the Layout tab.)

2. Deploy com.predic8.membrane.osgi.extender

Run the following commands to get access to our Maven repository: (You can use Copy&Paste. Make sure you select the whole line.)

karaf@root> config:edit org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn
karaf@root> config:propappend org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories ", http://repository.membrane-soa.org/content/groups/public/@snapshots"
karaf@root> config:update
karaf@root> _

Now run the following command to install the Membrane OSGi extender:

karaf@root> osgi:install -s mvn:com.predic8/com.predic8.membrane.osgi.extender
Bundle ID: 291
karaf@root> _

Once the extender is started, the OSGi platform is able to recognize bundles containing Membrane configuration files.

3. Deploy com.predic8.membrane.karaf.deployer

The Membrane Karaf Deployer allows single Membrane configuration files (proxies.xml) to be directly deployed by putting them into the ...\deploy subdirectory of ServiceMix.

Now run the following command to install our Karaf deployer: (Please be patient, as this can take a while.)

karaf@root> osgi:install -s mvn:com.predic8/com.predic8.membrane.karaf.deployer
Bundle ID: 292
karaf@root> _

Our Karaf deployer picks up single configuration files (proxies.xml) that use our format.

4. Create a Proxy Configuration File

Now create a file called proxies.xml somewhere on your computer containing the following content: (Use the left icon shown when hovering for Copy&Paste.)

<proxies xmlns="http://membrane-soa.org/schemas/proxies/v1/"
	<serviceProxy name="Console" port="9000">
	<serviceProxy port="2000">
		<target host="membrane-soa.org" />


When you are done, move this file into the ...\deploy\ subdirectory where you unpacked ServiceMix.

The configuration file is now automatically processed: Using the command

karaf@root> osgi:list
[ 291] [Active ] [.......] [ ] [ 60] Membrane OSGi Extender (3.3.7.SNAPSHOT)
[ 292] [Active ] [Created] [ ] [ 60] Membrane OSGi Karaf Deployer (3.3.7.SNAPSHOT)
[ 293] [Active ] [.......] [ ] [ 60] proxies.xml (0.0.0)
karaf@root> _

you can inspect what happened: The file proxies.xml was turned into an OSGi bundle which was installed and activated.

5. Watch the First Result

Open http://localhost:2000/ in a browser and watch.

Also visit the admin console.

6. Modify the Configuration File

Open ...\deploy\proxies.xml and change the target from membrane-soa.org to google.com or your favorite website. Save the file.

Wait a few seconds (about 2 on modern hardware) for the system to pick up the change.

Now refresh http://localhost:2000/ in the browser.

For the log file use:

karaf@root> log:display
karaf@root> log:clear
karaf@root> _

7. Final Comments

In proxies.xml you can use any Membrane feature, for example add password authentication. The configuration elements are all described in the reference.

If you want to extend Membrane with your own functionality, you can implement your own "interceptor" for Membrane. Doing that using Eclipse and Maven is only slightly more complicated than this tutorial. To get started, you can follow the next tutorial.