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The transport receives messages from clients and invokes interceptors in the request and response flow. The interceptors that are engaged with the transport are global and are invoked for each message flowing through the router.

Can be used in



				<transport coreThreadPoolSize="integer"
Listing 1: transport Syntax


					<transport coreThreadPoolSize="20">
						<ruleMatching />
						<dispatching />
						<userFeature />
						<transform xslt="strip.xslt" />
						<wsdlRewriter />
						<httpClient />
Listing 2: transport Example


Name Mandatory Default Description Example
coreThreadPoolSize no 20

Membrane uses a thread pool to allocate threads to incomming clients connections. The core thread pool size is the minimum number of threads that are created in advance to serve client requests.

socketTimeout no 30000 Socket timout in ms. 60000
tcpNoDelay no true true
httpClientRetries no 5 Determines how often Membrane tries to send a message to a target before it gives up and returns an error message to the client. 10
autoContinue100Expected no true Whether the HTTP request body should always immediately be requested from the client, if the client sent "Expect: 100-continue" and held back sending the body. As some interceptors need to examine the request body, the recommended value is "true". true
printStackTrace no false Whether the stack traces of exceptions thrown by interceptors should be returned in the HTTP response. true

Child Elements

Name Cardinality Description
ruleMatching 1 Selects the matching rule for incoming request.
dispatching 1 Dispatches requests to target hosts.
basicAuthentication 0..1 HTTP Basic Authentication interceptor
clusterNotification 0..1 Up/down push interface interceptor for cluster managment
counter 0..* Interceptor that provides a test web site.
rewriter 0..* Interceptor to rewrite URLs.
adminConsole 0..1 Initializes the Admin Console.
webServer 0..1 Web Server Interceptor
switch 0..* Interceptor for content based routing.
accessControl 0..1 Interceptor to restrict access to services and resources.
exchangeStore 0..* Interceptor that stores exchanges.
groovy 0..* Runs Groovy scripts.
log 0..* Logs request and response.
statisticsCSV 0..* Interceptor that logs in a CSV file.
statisticsJDBC 0..* Interceptor that logs in a database.
throttle 0..* Interceptor that delays and limits requests.
formValidation 0..* Interceptor that validates form parameter.
transform 0..* Interceptor that applies XSLT transformations
balancer 0..1 LoadBalancerInterceptor
validator 0..* Interceptor that validates against a WSDL and referenced schemas
rest2Soap 0..* Interceptor that exposes a SOAP service as REST resource.
regExReplacer 0..* Interceptor that replaces parts of the content based on a regulare expression.
userFeature 1 Runs interceptors from proxies.
client 1 Connects to server and sends requests.
wsdlRewriter 0..1 Interceptor that rewrites URLs in an endpoint and import definitions of a WSDL.